Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France Part 3

Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France Part 3

Then Hitler ordered to stop the operation….   The commanders of the Panzer division were riding on the cubes from the nerve, questioning the order over the phone.   But the order came from the Führer and they had to stop ...   

I wonder if a very, very big opportunity was being lost with a wrong decision? ...   The French were paralyzed by the movements of their aircraft and tanks.   Meanwhile, British Expeditionary Force Commander Gort,   On May 21, he carried out a small attack on the 7th Panzer division in Arras.   This limited attack has made the German upper tier very uneasy.   

They feared that their contact with the armored divisions would be cut off before infantry divisions could come to support…   After this fruitless move in Arras, the Allied armies in the north   while making no other effort to break the siege,   The delayed aid operation from the southern direction was almost absurdly weak.   

The Northern armies are getting rid of the offensive that the panzer forces will enter from behind.   They were under increasing front pressure from Bock's infantry armies.   The Allies understood that the attack would not merge the two groups.   

Fall of the West
Fall of the West

General Gort ordered Dunkirk to withdraw on May 25.   The next day, London approved the decision.   The next day he got to work for evacuation from the port.   At the time, the Panzers had been sitting in their seats for 48 hours at the command of the Hitler.   On the day of the evacuation order, the front of the Belgian army split in the center against the assault.   

The Belgians could not take it any longer and applied to surrender.   If the Belgians dropped the gun, who would close the hole during the withdrawal?   Prime Minister Churchill asked the Belgian King Leopold not to withdraw.   In fact, this means "sacrificed yourself for us." I mean.   The king rejected this offer and surrendered on May 28.   Now the British retreat to the shore has become a race to board ships before the German grapple closes…   

German planes were diving on pique, dropping thousands of bombs on enemies.   Everything was over, the British army had disappeared.   British soldiers are shaking with the awareness that they are living their last hour,   they felt the cold breath of death at their nape, and were preparing for their appointments with Azrael.   London mobilized all its possibilities,   

Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France

Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France

How many large and small ships were on hand were sent to Dunkirk to save their children.   Anything that could swim from firefighters to fishing boats was used for "Dynamo Operation".   The navy thought they could save 20 to 40 thousand men at best.   The rest would be lost before their eyes…   Despite all the difficulties, the British holding the corridor and part of the French First Army started to retreat to the harbor.   

On May 28, when Belgium surrendered, Rommel surrounded the leftovers of the French army from behind.   The French resistance here saved time on the beach.   Under heavy bombardment on May 30, the entire British army managed to reach Dunkirk.   As a result of the devoted work of the British Navy, the British first   then the French people, who retreated, were taken to the ships and taken to Britain.   

Until June 4, when the operation stopped, a total of 340,000 men were rescued.   The Allies who look at whether we can save 20,000 men; not only saved his armies,   they gained a soul again to fight ...   It was not the success of Operation Dynamo that blasted this spirit to them. It was Adolf Hitler's order to blow this spirit to them.   48 hours between May 24, when Guderian was stopped and May 26, when Gort began to withdraw,   

Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France part 3 Pak Turk Media forum

Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France part 3 Pak Turk Media forum

it was actually hours that would make the Hittites lose the war….   The answer to the question “why did the German leader make such a decision before Dunkirk”   It has been explored by historians for years.   According to some, Hitler wanted to refer the job to the air force.   According to some, he acted this way to soften the atmosphere in a peace with England.   Adolf has been very nervous and upset since the split offensive in France.   

You shout left and right and say to your commanders, "You will ruin everything." He kept saying.   He was very worried about the southern front.   The character of Hitler, who was also influenced by the different views of his commanders, was so complex,   no simple explanation about the event was likely to be true.   

It is highly possible that his decision was knitted from several ways of thinking ...   2.Evr to   While the Dunkirk Evacuation is continuing, the Wehrmacht is prepared for the southern operation.   Panzers were transferred to this area and the army was reorganized.   The French set up a new defense along the Somme and Aisne rivers.   

The Germans planned to split in 3 arms.   Hoth's Panzer Corps will cross the Somne River and enter Western France,   Kleist Panzer Group will attack to Amiens and Peronne,   The Guderian group would wait for the split from Chalons.   

The offensive began on June 5, on the western strip.   The first two days the resistance was strong, but on June 7, the westernmost forces took Rouen.   Later, the defense collapsed in great turmoil   and the Germans did not face any serious resistance when crossing the River Seine on 9 June.   The headquarters ordered Hoth's troops to stop, as this was not the main focus of attack.   This hesitation paved the way for another Dunkirk.   

2 British divisions who came to the region later were evacuated by taking advantage of this order.   Kleist's gripper move did not go as desired.   The arm on the right succeeded on June 8, but the other arm faced tough defense.   The top command pulled back the panzers here to refer east.   Guderian tanks were attacked on June 9.   

Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France Part 3

3 days later, they were able to break the line at the target.   They would go to the Swiss border to disconnect the enemy on the Maginot Line.   Meanwhile, Kleist expanded the front with another split.   After that, it was just racing for the Germans.   

The army was disintegrated and shed from all sides.   The French commander-in-chief begged the parliament to surrender.   Discussions in the parliament increased, and the British pressed not to "withdraw".   The Assembly decided to leave Paris and move in Bordeaux.   General Weygand was also ordered to build a new line of defense on the Loire River.   The Germans entered Paris on June 14 and moved deeper than the wings.   

The Tank Group in the east has again reached the Swiss border with a very successful lightning strike.   Guderian cut behind the enemy in Maginot and turned it from the south.   When the German “C” group was attacked from the north and east, a large French army group was surrounded and packed.   He attacked the south with his forces in groups in the west. Thus, a new map appeared on June 17.   

The French did not have a pace to lift their arms.   The Prime Minister resigned on June 16.   The new government said it wanted to surrender.   Cherbourg fell on the 18th of June, Brest and Nantes fell on the 19th, while the government submitted its offer to Hitler.   Some panzer divisions arrived around Lyon.   

On the other hand, Italy, which entered the war on June 10, attacked from the Alps on June 21, but weak French troops stopped them.   Peace agreement was made on 22 June. French armies dropped arms.   Until June 25, when the agreement entered into force, the panzers reached the border with Spain.   

The war was over now ...   Wehrmacht had a great victory, dropped the West…   In the victory of the Germans, who swept around like a cotton wool, the labor of 10 panzer divisions was enormous.   The West was crushed under the pallets of the Panzerkampfwage, so to speak.  

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Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France Part 1


Fall of the West - WW2 WESTERN FRONT- 1940 Battle of France Part 2

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