Genghis Khan VS Jalaluddin : Battles of Parwan and Indus Part 2

Genghis Khan VS Jalaluddin : Battles of Parwan and Indus

The right wing, consisting of 10 thousand cavalry, attacked the left wing of the Mongols under the command of Emin Melik, and when they moved them, 

help came from the right wing of the Mongols and from the center to the left wing. Then they squeezed the Mongol army, whose right and left wings were scattered, in the center. Many people from both sides died in this difficult war. It was not clear who won or lost. Eventually, 

when the sunset and the evening came, everyone withdrew. Mongolian commanders ordered each soldier to have a spare horse with him. The next day, when the gunmen of the angel hit the head of the night, the war started again. When the Sultan's army saw a new rank on the back of the Mongols, he panicked, thinking that help came to them. Celalettin, a skilled commander, 

understood the situation and prevented his soldiers from escaping. He immediately applied his counter-move. The land was not suitable for cavalries to fight. So the Mongols could not make the maneuvers they wanted. Upon this, the Sultan ordered all his soldiers to get off the horse and tie their horses with their belts. In the mountainous terrain, 

he turned his army into pedestrians using arrows against cavalries. The Mongols attacked the left-wing, which Igrak commended. Igrak's soldiers filled their bows with an arrow, poured arrows to the opposite side and stopped the attack. When the Mongolian soldiers, 

who could not be successful there, headed towards the center, the Sultan played his drums. All of the soldiers who heard the sound of drums got on their horses they had landed before and suddenly attacked. The Mongol army, which initially declined, turned back and started to fight. 

Pak Turk Media Forum

Genghis Khan VS Jalaluddin : Battles of Parwan and Indus Part 2

When the Sultan saw that situation and reached there like the lion of the fields and the crocodile of the raging rivers, the Mongols were defeated and started to flee. Kutugu, Tepecük and Molgar Noyanlar returned to Genghis Khan with few remaining soldiers. 

The Sultan was busy collecting loot. Cengiz Han, who was the grand nation of the Mongols, the victorious commander who had not seen the face of defeat, and whipping his whip over the world had received such a big defeat for the first time. 

A Turk had defeated Temujin and his spell was broken. Harzemşah was on the way to be the hope of the invaded world…. 

LOST HOPES Come and see, on the Turkish side, things were suddenly became upside down. The debate for a horse grew, and commanders such as İğrak and Çabala bin Ayham left the camp. The power of the Sultan decreased with the departure of İgrak. Everything ran off the rails He left Gaza to cross the Sind river. 

Genghis Khan VS Jalaluddin

At that time, when Genghis Khan learned that the soldier of the Sultan was disbanded, he walked over the Sultan like a lightning bolt with an army whose hearts resembled a raging flood, his hearts burn with vengeance, 

and their numbers were like raindrops to remove him. When the Sultan found out that Genghis Khan was coming and realized that he had not has military enough to resist an army which yearns for war, he decided to cross the Indus River by ships.

 Genghis Khan caught his opponent by the river, which was moving irregularly. When the light of the sun illuminated the face of the world, the Sultan did not lose his courage even though he was caught between the Sind River on the one hand, and an army that burned the place where he passed and waited readily to enter the war fire. 

He put his army in order and walked over to Khan. While the Mongolian army was aiming to wrap the Turkish army, Celalettin's heading towards the center, Cengiz, who was watching the war on the hill, pushed the Mongols back. The flow of history has never been so close to change…

If Mongols were defeated and Cengiz died, then the date would be completely different today ... However, the army of the Sultan was gradually weakening. Cengiz took full control when he passed a 10,000-person force through the mountains and took him behind his opponent. The right-wing of the Turkish army was destroyed first and then the left-wing. 

700 men remained next to Celalettin, who was stuck in the Mongolian circle. The sultan who looked around suddenly understood that everything was over… The young tearful ruler, made a difficult decision. He would kill his mother and wives instead of giving them to Mongolian. Upon his order, all the harem of Celaleddin Harzemshah was thrown into the river. 

Life whispered its saddest words into Mengü Berti's ears…. The waits and curse of the women are buried in the waters of Indus…. Seeing that his soldiers had fallen one by one, the Sultan wiped his tears and asked his uncle Akaş Melik to bring his spare horse. 

Genghis Khan VS Jalaluddin : Battles of Parwan and Indus Part 2

Genghis Khan VS Jalaluddin : Battles of Parwan and Indus Part 2

The eyes of Cengiz Han, who was in the shadow of a Chez on the hill, were on Celalettin, whom he deemed as proud as himself. Celalettin came to the mouth of the cliff and looked at his homeland for the last time and threw a whip on his horse and threw it into the river. Sword clashes stopped, everyone was looking at what the Sultan was trying to do He left himself in the arms of Indus from the mouth of the cliff between the astonished eyes… 

The soldiers followed their leader and jumped into the river. It wasn't a movie scene or the pinnacle of a novel that was worth seeing. It was the history itself ……. Genghis Khan rode his horse to the beach when he saw that he had crossed the river. He prevented the soldiers who wanted to jump into the river after the Sultan. Mongolian soldiers poured arrows to Turkish soldiers and Sultan who jumped into the river. 

Those who saw that war say that the river was bleeding for days…. What happened to Celalettin. Did Genghis Khan beat his opponent? 

Did Felek drown the lord of the Turkish land in the waters? ... Celaleddin Mengü Berti, the ruler of Horasan, Maveraünnehir, Mazenderan, Hazerzem, and even all Turkish Homelands, the lion's father, the flagman of his lineage, and the Harezm Shah appeared on the opposite shore of the river Indus ... Genghis Khan and the Mongols bit their fingers in amazement. 

Genghis Khan VS Jalaluddin : Battles of Parwan and Indus Part 2

After watching him for a long time, Genghis Khan turned to his sons who were with him and said, “How happy is the father who has such a son! He saved himself from the vortex of trouble like water and fire and arrived at the beach" he said and turned the direction of his horse. 

Celalettin, who saved himself from the river, was breathless. He glanced at Cengiz's diverging silhouette and vowed revenge. Then he disappeared towards the land of India. He had only a sword and a spear in his hand…. 

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