Xiongnu Empire #1: Modu Chanyu || History of Turks Part 2

Xiongnu Empire #1: Modu Chanyu || History of Turks

This time some of his entourage was freed and they did not dare to discard their arrows. They were executed by Mete. After a while, Mete whistles with the arrow of his father's precious horse When he hit, his entourage threw the arrow to the same goal all together without exception. Upon this situation, 

Mete learned that he could completely trust his retinue. Then he went hunting with his father, and whistling to his father who was the ruler of Hun (Shanyu or Tan-hu) ejected. His entire retinue was aimed at the same direction and the Hun ruler was killed. 

Mete, her stepmother and her stepbrother, all who do not obey her the state killed the elders and proclaimed itself the Hun ruler (Shanyu) devlet. Thus, Mete Han BC. He became ruler of the Hun in 209. Mete was a ruler who gave great importance to discipline. 

Organized his army according to system 10 and with one hand behind his back movement formed an army to walk to death. He had even succeeded in building the most solid and disciplined land army of Asia or even the world. 

Xiongnu Empire #1: Modu Chanyu || History of Turks Part 2

All the next Turkish leaders were to take Mete as an example. Today, the date of establishment of the Turkish armed forces captured the throne of Mete date is accepted. Proto-Mongolian in the East of the Hun State Tungus, which is a tribe; to the southwest were very strong Yüe-çiler who were believed to be related to the Huns. 

Mete the new crown, the strong neighbor Tung-hu unexpected heavy political political people has been exposed to pressure. Tung-hular, Hun throne on his throne by taking advantage of the young, Hun country they wanted to invade. For this purpose they sent ambassadors to Mete. The ambassadors tried to provoke Mete with unacceptable demands.

 First they asked Mete for his horse. Although he rejected the entire convention, Mete gave his horse, saying, 'I will spare a horse from my neighbor.' Tung-hular who wanted to annoy the young ruler, this time wanted to Mete's wife. While rejecting the offer, 

Mete said, 'I will spare a woman from my neighbor' he sent his wife. Immediately after the ambassadors, 

this time he wanted a dry land between the two states. Mete, at that moment, 'how can we give the land which is the foundation of the state?' he rejected the offer. In fact, Mete's first two offers give the impression that the opponent is weak and the new civil war has agreed to prepare the army. 

Xiongnu Empire Modu Chanyu 

Xiongnu Empire Modu Chanyu

On the third and unacceptable offer a large raid on the east Mete attacked the Mongols who were unprepared. 

The Tung-hular, who downplayed their opponents they paid very heavily. They were overwhelmed by the surprise raid of Mete, to defend themselves. they have not even found the opportunity. 

Arrows pierced by lightning on their horses have been targeted. No one has been received, no one has been shown mercy. However, the time of Hun horsemen who can escape the infallible arrows in time they were able to save their lives. On the other hand, the booty was enormous. Mete had all the goods and wealth of Tung-hular. 

Those who have fallen have lived in fear in the mountains and forests for many years. After Tung-hulardu, the order came to Yüe-çilere. The Yüe-çiler were the southwest neighbors of the Huns. They lived in the fields between Yin-shan and the mountains of God. They had vast and fertile lands. Moreover, Silk is the intermediary for the transit trade and culture flow between East and West. 

An important part of the road passed through the country of Yüe-çiler. On this road there were trade colonies of various tribes. In this respect, Yüe-çiler was one of the rich and cultured peoples of the Asian continent. As mentioned above,

 Mete is also known as Yüe-çilerin found; had the opportunity to get to know themselves and their countries. In particular, he stated that the Yüe-çiler's economic power of the regions where the civil superiority had seen and understood the value and importance very well. On the other hand, among the Yüe-çiler, there were many Huns. 

The Yüe-çiler, like Tung-hular, had underestimated the Huns. It was not possible for a leader like Mete to absorb this situation. On the other hand, Yüe-çiler, the Kansu region of the Huns were closing the way to China.

Modu Chanyu || History of Turks Part 2

Modu Chanyu || History of Turks Part 2

 Mete returned from the big Tung-hu raid and made the necessary preparations and walked on to the Yüe-çilerin. Yüe-çiler displaced with a blow that hit him; rather, they forced them to migrate. He opened the way for the flock to the Huns. 

Yüe-çiler understands that they cannot stand in the face of the power of Mete. leaving the regions, it records west. Mete's expedition on Yüe-chiler, his raid on Tung-hular There has not been a destruction and conquest movement such as its operation. As we have seen, he is content with defeating 

Yüe-çiler and introducing his power to them. It is clear that Mete, his power against the Yüe-çiler to wear out too much and did not want to lose much time. Because in front of him there was a bigger target and a bigger opponent like China. 

Mete, tribes in the north and north-west of the state in obedience, he wanted to secure his back. To the north and northwest of the Hun State "Hun-u, K'ut-sa, Ting-ling, Kyrgyz, Sin-li" like the Turkish descendants and tribes who were related to the Huns. Mete walked north with his army; by obeying them one by one, 

all gathered under the roof of the Hun State. This, without doubt, is the policy of Mete to establish the great Turkish unity under Hun administration. It was a big step in. Now, all of the countries and tribes west of the Altai mountains It was dominated by Central Asia Mete. In other words, 

It has become the greatest power of Central Asia. According to the Chinese yearbook, "Huns all noble great people of Mete's they recognized his domination and glorified him as the greatest Shanyi h Mete managed to gather all the Turkish-speaking tribes under a single flag. Mete, Tung-hiler and Yüe-çeri one by one, 

east and west from the security itself and then headed for China. His aim was to get back pastures in northern China, where the Huns had fallen into China before. Army entered North China Mete, beating the Pe-yang king, in the big elbow Ordos was the replacement. After that, Mete continued his advanced operation eastward. 

The north of the big river in the yellow river of the country of Yen and Tai captured. He lowered the fortress and the border fortifications one by one. In contrast, China's strength was very weak; some places were never there. Even some Chinese lords of Mete, who did not accept the rule of Chinese Han They also gave him support in this operation. This made Mete's work a lot easier. 

As a result of this military operation it was dominated by almost all North Chinese Huns. The flocks of the people of the Hun also gained their old pastures. More importantly, all trade and military supplies in the northern regions of China It's under the control of Mete. As we have seen, a temporary looting by Mete on North China the influx was not; this was a true conquest movement. In fact, 

Mete's aim was to settle down to the region. Moreover, this place was the pastures of the Huns. Since ancient times there was no real Chinese here. His people were mixed. In the middle of the region Tibet, Hun, and the Mongol tribes were in the east. North China's disappearance and total loss, 

the founder of the Han dynasty The emperor would have activated Kao. Everything was ready for the great war between the Chinese and the Turks. 

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