The cows have blocked the way. I hope it doesn't hit me! Assalam Alekum and Good Morning Everyone! I am in Munich for the last two days. Alhamdulillah all the tasks here are taken care of. I am finally ready to leave. The plan is to go to Austria today. And I am still unaware about the situation of Austrian border. I don't know if they 'll let me enter. Or stay overnight. Plan is simple. If they let me stay for the night, then there is this amazing Austrian village, Hallsttatt. I'll spend the night there. I 'll look for some room or a camping site there. Because I haven't made any reservations yet. Will do that after crossing the border. The forecast says it might rain in the second half of the day. So... it depends... If the weather allows, I 'll go for camping. Otherwise... ... a room in the vicinity. And this mess that you can see around me... ... is because I spent the previous night copying my data. All the chargers and similar items are yet to be packed. Lets pack the rather smaller items first. So that the luggage gets ready. Then we 'll go and have some breakfast. I guess my land lord is awake as well. Hopefully I 'll see him as well. Today we have a typical German breakfast; Bread, some butter and cheese... and coffee...!! And I have with me.... my land lord for the day... Now I'll speak in German, so that... Wilhelm can also understand. So Wilhelm..\
everything great? Thanks. Wonderful. He is a little hard of hearing. But he's a great person. Makes me breakfast everyday. Even though he is not supposed to..!! So Wilhelm.. Thanks very much... Yes? I am gonna wait for ...*inaudible* Ok. Thanks. Bismillah. In the name of Allah. Ready to leave. Thank you. The mobile cable is annoying me. I think it must be visible in the video as well. I 'll do something about it if I stop somewhere. I need to get the fuel tank filled. So gonna make a stop. Looking for fuel station. O there it is. Great! I didn't have to take a detour. O my God... 127.8... and the fuel rates for today are... this fuel station is very expensive. Over here every fuel station sets their own price. and it changes with time. It can change from the morning, noon and evening. And it'Crossing into Austria
s almost 10 cents more expensive. Since the bike doesn't need much fuel at the moment, so doesn't matter if it's an extra euro. But mostly... this company ARAL... I try to avoid them as they are expensive. I think it's expensive as it is close to the highway. Here we 'll get to the highway. Next few kilometers will be on highway... until we get close to the Austrian border. Farewell to the streets of Munich! Munich is quite different from other German cities. Living standard in Munich is higher as compared to the rest. There are other places such as Frankfurt, Hamburg, Koln and Berlin etc. but Berlin is for everyone; rich and poor alike. Munich is a rich city. It has more business. People have higher pays. But the expenses are equally higher. If you need to rent an apartment...
you 'll have to pay extra 200-400 euro if compared to the rest. And it is still difficult to find. Especially if you are foreigner. Further reduces your chances. On the highway now... Next 100 kilometers on the highway. Now we are quite close to the Austrian border. Salzburg is only 15-20 km from here. But I'll not enter Austria from here. I'll leave the highway .. and 'll go to a wonderful German region.. Berchtesgaden You guys must have heard about Konigsee It's a famous lake there. So I was wondering,
that while crossing this region, why not spend some time there and then from there take the smaller road to get to Austria. I have reached Berchtesgaden. There are 3 famous lakes in this region. The largest is the Konigsee And the two smaller ones are Hintersee, where we are heading right now And the other one is a little ahead from Konigsee and you need a ferry to get there and it's called Ubersee. The one that I like the most is Hintersee and Ubersee. It's an amazing road. It's Saturday but still not much traffic. I am afraid I am on the wrong path. Excuse me... Excuse me.... Hintersee... There...
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