Sultan Abdul Hamid Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles || History Play

Welcome To History Play In This Post I Well Share Sultan Abdul Hamid Episode 1 With Urdu Subtitles By History Play

Sultan is on the run! Runaway Sultan! When did our grandfather run away! Where Has He Escaped! In Mohac? In Niğbolu? in Kosovo? When did he run away?! Did we escape from the Prut War? When they came upon us like apocalypse in the seas... Did we hide in Preveza?! Now he's out, you believe the lie that the Sultan is leaving. Didn't we ride our horses against the fiercest enemy, just with the desire to be a martyr? We were left in the battlefield without sword, 

yet we did not surrender! We died, we shed blood... We didn't drop our banner! Don't leave us, my Sultan... Vallahi I will not leave, Billahi I will not leave This is Payitaht, I am Sultan Abdulhamid! We're not going anywhere! I will do what suits me... 

So that the crescent moon hangs in Hagia Sophia... So that the children grow up in its streets with the moral values ​​of Islam... I will defend Payitaht against all kinds of treacherous attack... I will defend alone! I am Sultan of the... Balkans...  of the Iraq...  of the Syria...  of the Jebel-i Lebanon...  Of the Hejaz...  Of the Caucasus...  of the Anatolia and of the Payitaht! I am... Abdulhamid Khan, the Caliph of Islam! 

Sultan Abdulhamid... Say that the Sultan, leaning her back on her nation, taking her power from Allah, is sitting firmly in the caliphate. Fall down! I am Sultan Abdulhamid Khan, Caliph of Islam! Even if I die, I will not make the Prophet insulted! Fall down!

It is necessary to learn that a Turk cannot be challenged. Such a state will not be established as long as I live! I will stop this! Fall down! I'm not justifying myself. If they cut me in pieces... 

If they demolished my house on my head ... If they took my children from me... I would give my rights... But to those who attacked my state ... To those who attacked my holy... I'm not okay! Even if they call me "Red Sultan" ... Even if they insult me... I would give my right. However, I do not give my rights to those who organize games to insult my Prophet! I do not give my right to those who attack Din-i Mubin Islam! If they make me poor... If they need a bite of bread, I will give my right. But to those who play with my nation's food... I do not give my right! If you know this and become the servant of the west... If you become the language of the west... Your state...  

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