Barbarossa season 1 episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makki Tv


Barbarossa season 1 episode 29 with urdu subtitles By Makki Tv // watch Barbarossa episode 29 with urdu subtitles // Makki tv Barbaroslar episode 29 with urdu subtitles

 Barbarossa Episode 29 With Urdu Subtitles I swear, assuming Aygül sees you, even I can't save you. I really want to believe that you left me as well. He additionally shares his bread with me. Could it be said that you are exceptionally ravenous huh? Where could your folks be? I say don't eat, did you swallow your tongue insane kid? Halal halal. 

Barbarossa season 1 episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makki Tv
Barbarossa season 1 episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makki Tv

Barbarossa Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Come on then, at that point, open your mouth. Come on, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming… But first, the basmala. - Bismillah. Congratulations! Goodness, we will eat from this, from this, from this. Horsemen are coming. Horsemen are coming . Mashallah to you! We will sink our spoon with the right hand and eat with the right hand. We will eat with this hand, mashallah! Mashallah my courageous mentor!

  • Barbarossa season 1 episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makki tv
  • Barbarossa episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makkitv 2
  • Barbarossa episode 29 with urdu
  • Barbarossa episode 29 in urdu subtitles Makkitv
  • Barbarossa season 1 episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makkitv

Barbarossa season 1 episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makkitv 2

He needed to come to us, yet he doesn't let out the slightest peep, he chuckles. What are you crying insane young lady? None. Mother! My Kayi is Cerkutay. Apricot? Kayi child? Child Kayi, Kayi child! Hello mashallah my fearless! You've turned into a major man, Kayi! Welcome Kay! Welcome Kay. Michael Kosses. Aya Nikola. - My dear companion.

 It's been quite a while, a ton. It worked out, Nikola, I wish this gathering had not been for such a subject. That's What was, Nikola? - Osman. If the Tekfur of Inhisar, Mateus, had helped us while we were battling Osman, maybe today couldn't have ever occurred. Isn't it? - Certainly. As such, you shouldn't hang tight for it to leap to you to engage in the conflict before the entryway .

Barbarossa episode 29 in urdu subtitles Makkitv

Osman sent his man to the pen. He's compelling me to an arrangement. You resemble a boat with the breeze behind it. I will be the stone you hit, Osman. You should uphold me with the goal that I can remain against Osman. Right away. I will quickly put a group of my most recognized warriors at your order. I see Osman won't stop, Nikola. Perhaps on the off chance that we don't join presently, no divider will actually want to stop him in the future. 

Barbarossa episode 29 with urdu subtitles Makkitv

Osman will disregard the arrangement and walk to Inhisar first. Then, at that point, to Inegöl. Tomorrow we will be at your palace with Nikola, obviously Turgut will accompany us. Is it Turgut? I don't need a Turk in my pen, Kosses. Similarly as we disposed of Geyhatu and the vizier because of Osman, we will dispose of Osman on account of Turgut, Tekfur Mateus.

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