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Real History Of Aflatoon
Be sure to write your name in the comments section below. Friends, today we are talking about Plato and Plato is a kind of man of history who is very important to talk about because our youth Generations, especially those who are now listening to our video, will know that Plato is a Greek floss Fur, who lived in the city of Athens about 347 BC,
was born in Athens and belonged to a rich family. He was highly educated. Had a profound effect on Plato. He traveled to the Sacred Sea region and participated in politics in Syracuse, the city of Sesquicentennial. The academy is also said to be the first university in Europe to conduct research on topics in mathematics and philosophy.
Plato's teachings have had a profound effect on religious beliefs around the world. Many of his beliefs were influenced by Plato's ideas, while most Christians are under the misconception that these superstitions should not be based on the Bible. And when man dies, this soul lives in another world, Plato's favorite subject.
One of the precepts was that the human soul never dies. He was very interested to know what happens when a person dies. One of his favorite subjects was that the soul of man never dies. That the reward or punishment according to the deeds that man has done in his life. Plato's academy lasted for nine centuries, during which time Plato's
teachings had a profound effect on people's thinking. Plato's ideas became very popular in areas under the influence of Greece and Rome. Fellow of the Jewish philosopher Alexandria adopted the teachings of Plato. And many Christian leaders were influenced by his teachings. As a result, Judaism and Christianity were
Brief History Of Aflatoon
joined by many who had their roots in Greek philosophy. An example of this is the belief that the human soul is always alive. It is popular among Christians but there are some scholars who can be called followers of Plato. You can compare the following statements in this regard. She goes out and goes to the gods where she has to give an account of her deeds.
If this person has done good deeds then his soul will go to account with great confidence and if he has done bad deeds then his soul will tremble with fear. Death is like sleep in a sense. When man dies he does not know anything but God has promised to raise the dead. Consider these verses. Is a sermon verse.
The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing. Then there is a verse in a psalm that when a person's breath goes out then he is reduced to dust. On the same day his plans come to an end. Shows that the Scriptures do not teach that after death a person's soul lives in another world, so ask yourself if my beliefs are based on God's Word
or on their myth. A different thing happened when Aristotle was taught by his teacher Plato, who is Aristotle, who is a student of Plato, that I have worked hard on you if you want to reach a great place in the world. So stay away from women forever. This is the creation of the universe that thwarts the great men. Aristotle promised his
History Of Aflatoon Extra History .jpg)
History Of Aflatoon In English PakWap
teacher that he would always remember her lessons and would never stray too close to a woman. The woman was very famous in Ashwa scales. Half the city was crazy about her beauty. Allah had made her very beautiful. He looked but he changed his path. Coincidentally, the woman's eyes were on him, he was alive For the first time, he felt humiliated.
He knew from every car that was with him, "Who is this disgusting man who has returned without being intimidated by her beauty?" Aristotle gets in her way, and all she has to do is keep her promise to her teacher. She always looks down on her teacher and passes by. She said, "How can you be a human being?
The world is full of my beauty and you are behind you. You do not look up. What is the reason for this disgust?" Aristotle went on to say, He taught the lesson of life and then promised that he would never speak in the lesson. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that he would always stay away from the woman. After pausing, he said,
"You can do one thing. Tell me to hide in this corner in the garden at a certain time of the day, but why don't you ask? Do what you are told. This is also a lesson of your life." Will the teacher be with me? Did Aristotle wonder? Yes, you just arrived. Day after day passed. Aristotle was anxiously waiting for the appointed day.
I went and waited, but it wasn't over. At last Aristotle understood that the woman wanted to come as promised. As the lightning flashed, the woman appeared with all her clothes, jewelry, and gifts. He did this because no one was coming with him. As he approached, he discovered that he was Plato, Aristotle's teacher. With a smile on his face due to old age,
he was talking to her. As the woman approached the herd. So Aristotle suddenly came out with a burning face of rage and said to his teacher, "Dear teacher, you told me that I should stay away from such women, if I want honor and success in life,
then I am old." Doing these things again at this age makes me feel very sad and prejudiced. Yours sincerely, When I looked back, the woman was smiling cunningly. Euphrates was at the highest level of intelligence. He understood the whole game in one tone.
This is the best lesson of today. And the confirmation of the lesson I have given cannot be better than that. Look, this woman has made a fool of a worldly man like me. What kind of radish is a young man like you? Even today I avoid such women.
The lesson that is presented to us even today after a journey of centuries makes us understand that in fact this gentleman was right. The Euphrates is also called Plato and his real name is Stock Liz, one of the most influential Greek philosophers. Efraton was a disciple of Socrates, as we talked about in the beginning,
The History Of The Seljuks Empire All Time History
and he was the founder of an academy in Aitchis, and the main reason for that is the word academy which is still used today. This is where it all started. Socrates, who is more or less the central character of Plato's discourses, but it is difficult to decide which of the written arguments belong to Plato and which belong to Socrates because both
are mixed because Socrates did not write suicide himself. It is said, however, that there is no doubt that Plato was greatly influenced by the ideas of his teacher Socrates and adopted all the ideas and opinions expressed in his early writings.
Happened Viewers, this is a great piece of information that you must have liked. If you like videos, share them with your friends. Give us permission for the next video. The prayer is to be happy wherever you are. May Allah Almighty grant you the ability to be happy and share happiness.
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