Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today 29th July 2022

Today's dollar rate In Pakistan 29 July 2022 || USD to PKR - Dollar Rate in Pakistan - 29 July 2022 This is a list of the Latest Dollar rate in Pakistan today 29th July 2022 open market including all the currency exchange rates like USD to PKR, EUR to PKR, GBP to PKR, SAR to PKR, AED to PKR, and more.

Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today 29th July 2022
Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today 29th July 2022

All these open market exchange rates are updated every hour to provide you with the best possible conversion from US dollar to Pakistani rupees.
Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today 29th July 2022
Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today 29 July 2022
The mentioned below statistics show the currency exchange rates of USD to PKR conversion in Pakistan for 29th July 2022.

1 Usd To PKR Today

You must know that these exchange rates, including the latest USD to PKR, EUR to PKR, GBP to PKR, SAR to PKR, AED to PKR, and more are the open market rates and not interbank rates.

Dollar USD Rate in Pakistan Today 29th July 2022 open market

US DollarUSD243.00246.00
Australian DollarAUD163.43164.68
Bahrain DinarBHD627.06632.56
Canadian DollarCAD183.84184.89
China YuanCNY34.4135.66
Danish KroneDKK32.6332.98
Hong Kong DollarHKD30.6530.43
Indian RupeeINR2.953.00
Japanese YenJPY1.9502.000
Kuwaiti DinarKWD768.54773.54
Malaysian RinggitMYR52.2453.69
New Zealand DollarNZD146.12147.32
Norwegians KroneNOK23.5024.80
Omani RiyalOMR614.38618.88
Qatari RiyalQAR64.9565.45
Saudi RiyalSAR60.7062.50
Singapore DollarSGD170.49171.79
Swedish KoronaSEK22.5423.84
Swiss FrancCHF244.63246.38
Thai BhatTHB5.946.04
U.A.E DirhamAED63.5064.00
UK Pound SterlingGBP288.00292.00
All these open foreign exchange rates in Pakistan for 29th July 2022, taken from the forex market. The conversion from US dollars to PKR depends on the open market rates set by Pakistani foreign exchange dealers. Find today’s Dollar to PKR Currency exchange Rate in Pakistan.

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