Siege of Kulaca Hisar | Battle of Kulajahisar Castle Makki Tv

After the era of the Ashab (Companions of Hz. Muhammed), the best of the states is the Ottoman Empire. That state will not fail until the doomsday occurs. When The Greatest sheikh Muhyiddin Ibni Arabi wrote this phrase in his book Nobody except the scholars who had jifir knowledge did not understand what he meant. 

Because the calendars showed the year 1230. There was no such state called the Ottoman Empire yet. And even it was 28 years before the founder of the state, Osman Bey, was born. In 1221, when the Mongols invaded the Khwarezm-Shah Empire completely The Kayı tribe, who was around Merv at that time, 

History Of Kulaca Hisar Battle Makki Tv

Migrated to the Azerbaijan region with Jala ud din Khwarzimshah and from there to around Ahlat. For a while, the Kayı Tribe wandered around the Islamic geographies and sought a land for themselves. When they came around the Ja'bar Castle and the Kayı tribe's chief Süleyman Shah died, Result was they were scattered. Some of the Kayıs had gone south, while some remained in the Syrian region. 
History Of Kulaca Hisar Battle

History Of Kulaca Hisar Battle

Some of the Kayıs, led by Ertuğrul Gazi and Sungurtekin, came back to Anatolia, Adıyaman with around 340 tents. At that time, the Great Alaaddin Keykubad was the head of the Anatolian Seljuk State. He sent his son Savci bey to Sultan Alaaddin. "Show us a homeland." he said. Sultan Alaaddin Keykubad gave Söğüt as a home for Kayı tribe which was at the Byzintine border. Upon this, Ertuğrul Gazi and his oba(clan), 

History Of Osman Ghazi Makki Tv

ho settled in Söğüt, became a frontier under Alaaddin Keykubad. In those years, a war broke out between the Emperor Iōannēs Doukas and the Seljuk Sultan Alaaddin Keykubad. While the Seljuks was drawing an army around Engürü(Ankara), Ertuğrul Gazi and his Alps went to help the them. Kayıs under Ertugul Ghazi, provided great benefits to the Seljuks in the siege of Karacahisar, was praised by Alaaddin Keykubad and Ertuğrul Gazi was given the rank of chief While Ertuğrul Gazi was continuing his raids there, He sent his young son Osman to Sultan Alaaddin Keykubad for a charge. Osman, who came to the Palace of Konya, met Molana Rum on the stairs of the palace. 

Who Was Osman Ghazi Makki Tv

When Osman saw Hazrat Molana he tied his hands and stepped aside with respect. When Mevlana asked who he was, Osman replied; "I am Osman, son of Ertuğrul Gazi. I brought an epistle to Sultan Alaaddin." After that, they went to Molana's lodge together. Molana said; "Read Fatiha-i Sharif, my son." Osman started to read the Surah of Fatiha. Meanwhile, His Holiness Molana closed his eyes and was contemplating deeply. After a while, he opened his eyes, turning to Osman, he said; "I look the Islamic Sultanate from the family of Seljuk & gave it to the family of Osman" "May Allah bless it!" Ertuğrul Gazi, 

who was an highly brave, talented and virtuous person, Captured the Karacahisar Castle And taxed the Landlords in the name of the Seljuk State. When Ertuğrul Bey, who was enthroned in the hearts of the Kayı Tribe, passed away in 1281 People deemed Osman Gazi worthy of his father's place in Söğüt. What was left to Osman Gazi from his father was a tiny frontier seigniory under the Seljuks which was still in establishment and surrounded by the enemies. Osman Gazi was extraordinarily brave and manly. He had a great power of action and undertaking. He knew very well how, when and where to act. He was extremely cool, cold-blooded, firm, and patient. There was no person or thing he could not sacrifice if it prevented him to serve to Allah. 

Kulaca Hisar In English & Urdu

From the moment Osman Bey took over the Kayı Tribe, He had the desire to expand his land against his neighbors, the Roman landlords. Roman capital was transferred from Iznik to Istanbul after the fourth Crusade. Therefore its administration on the borders was loosened. Despite this, Osman Bey did not show his intentions. And was in friendly relations with the Yenişehir and Kefke's Roman landlords and commanders. 

However, İnegöl's Landlord Nicola saw that Osman Gazi was quietly getting stronger And so he understood that Osman would conquer and rule everywhere, including his lands. To prevent this he frequently plundered members of the Turkish tribes loyal to Osman Bey. Tired of these constant harassments, 

Osman Bey considered conquering İnegöl by planning an attack against Nicola. He took action after consulting with Turgutalp, Bamsi Alp and Abdurrahman Gazi, friends of his father Ertuğrul Gazi. While he was advancing towards Ermenibeli He encountered an ambush of Roman troops under the control of Nicola... A very tough battle began, swords against swords. 

The Islamic mujahideen, who fought against a very large enemy army, had a hard time. Eventhough, Osman's Nephew also got martyred Osman Bey and his cavalry managed to escape breaking through enemy circle. There was no winner after all. Osman Gazi was sad when he returned to Söğüt. He closed in his tent. He begged Allah saying O my Lord. 

Give strength to Islam. Oh sluggish Osman, cry" and cried for a while. When he fell asleep at last, he had a dream. He saw that the moon was born from the belt of his Sheikh Edebalî. And one end of this crescent entered his heart. Then he saw a plane tree growing out of his belly. This tree grew and its shadow covered the world When he woke up, he rushed to his sheikh and told his dream Sheikh Edebalî said: Oh Son! May the Sultanate be blessed to you and your descendants, And my daughter, Mâl Hatun, be your spouse." Upon this good news, 

Kulaca Hisar Osman History Makki Tv

Osman Gazi planned a raid to seize Kulacahisar. Kulacahisar was a fortress located 5 kilometers east of İnegöl and was built to protect the city. If that fortress was captured, there would be nothing left to protect the İnegöl city... A few Alps sneaked into the fortress disguised as Romans, Neutralized the guards and opened the doors when night fell. 

Osman Ghazi Quotes Makki Tv

Meanwhile, Osman Gazi, who was in ambush, Entered through the gates quickly with his 450 fighters and slaughtered the Romans. They captured the castle, set it on fire and demolished its walls. Thus, the city of İnegöl lost its defense garrison in Kulacahisar and the city was left unprotected... 

This was the first conquest of Osman Gazi... Being left defenseless with the demolition of Kulacahisar Inegöl's Landlord Nicola sent a letter to the landlord there; They captivate you and your generations. They take this province from us and destroy it. They are not poor Sufi Turkmens, to whom we would treat accordingly. So if we do not remove them from this province now, you know it's no use crying over spilt milk. 

Thereupon, İnegöl and Karacahisar's Landlords agreed and united against Osman Gazi. And dispatched their army to Osman Gazi and the Mujahideen in Söğüt and Domaniç. These two armies marched to completely wipe the Ottomans from the stage of history ... Thanks for watching Please Subscribe to support us...! 

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