Teskilat Season 3 Episode 3 (51) In Urdu Subtitles Makki Tv

Makki Tv Teskilat With Urdu Subtitles Watch Historical Series In Urdu Teskilat Episode 51 In Urdu Makki Tv Subtitles
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 51 Urdu Subtitles

The secret of Sultan Modd’s testimony now appeared. Bozan to our grandchildren. Growing up, Ghaznui would like to do the empire in his fist.We will not allow that. See Mr. Chaghri. First bring the situation of Solomon and the Arkaman princes.Teskilat Season 3 Episode 51 Urdu Subtitles If the Alp Arsalan of my grandson to Bozan. 
If not released from occupation, they will immediately prepare the army and move towards the swast of Sultan. This means the declaration of war from the Ghazni Empire, brother John. Our fight. Bozan and the Qur’an follow him. Who is Ghaznvi. And who are the quarantine guards?
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 3 (51) In Urdu Subtitles Makki Tv
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 3 (51) In Urdu Subtitles Makki Tv

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 51 in Urdu Subtitles Directplay Net

How will I find out my brother؟ The traces of horses and dogs have now been dashed in Bast. Alp Arsalan and Solomon, whatever the result. Our attack. It will be in the realm of politics. By returning to Maktob. And for the sake of the subjects of the Ghaznvi Empire, they will have the reality of Bozan and the Qur’an. Our destination is not east.
Teskilat Season 3 Episode 51 in Urdu Subtitles Directplay Net The West is, Brother John. Fighting a Muslim state is not a matter of intellect. Sometimes not with intellect, it works from the heart. The matter is now, together, to protect the eastern borders of our empire. Now walk according to politics.Teskilat Season 3 Episode 51 In Urdu Subtitles

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 51 Urdu

The empire must be shown to be weak. Prime Minister. Send the delegation to the condolences of Sultan Modd’s martyrdom. The order that is slat. Massoud. Massoud. Unclean؟ Shut up my lion. Keep the sound so that our game continues to play. What game؟ Sound game. If you win, take the mother and walk to Nana. 
Mager must first hear me and act well. Soldier. Teskilat Season 3 Episode 51 Urdu Order Sultanate. Immediately call Shhoor Sultana. The order that is slat. The children of Chaghri are very sad for you. It started saying, Go immediately and bring my grandchildren. The mother will come and the tribes will walk along. Mager couldn’t see us. Okay fine؟ So the room has got these funerals.

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