Filinta Mustafa With Hindi Subtitles Makki Tv

 Filinta Mustafa With Hindi Subtitles Makki TvI swear these telegrams are fake! Did you understand they are fake just by looking? There is no time gap between the sending date and reply date.
The man read and replied at the same time. And the other wrote a reply before receiving a reply.
They didn't think about what they said. Can you prove they are fake? I can but it will take time. Mustafa. I was suspicious when he said he figured it out at a glance, brother. We should have gotten Abdullah out of that ship.
Although we don't have proof... ...
Filinta Mustafa With Hindi Subtitles Makki Tv
Filinta Mustafa With Hindi Subtitles Makki Tv

we know that there is something fishy. That counts, too.
What about Esat Pasha's notebook? Still licking it? No luck there either?
-Yes and no. -What? What do you mean yes and no? Now, father and I decided to process a few pages.
We applied this liquid in my hand to the pages. -Yes. -So that the pages...
...will be cleaned of gases. 
Of course, we would have had something more legible. Really? I would do the same thing.
Mustafa, what are they talking about brother? Cut to the chase. Will we be able to read it or not?
The writing is legible but not intelligible. Mustafa. They can't even read what's written in the notebook, brother. 

Filinta Mustafa With Hindi Subtitles Makki Tv

They can't. I beg your pardon? Can you live with a rabbit's heart? Yes.
The language of the Balkans. Figure out the rest of the pages as soon as possible. Then we will show it to decoders.
Do whatever you need to do and find all the leads about the telegrams being fake.
The shahzada's head is on the line. 

Episode 28

Episode 29

-It is an important matter. -Yes, it is an important matter.
Mustafa, I'm afraid of that man, brother.
My God.
If we can please get to the point, my Shahzada. I have a lot to do. And I have my head on the line, Cemil Efendi.
Things are becoming complicated. 

What is going to happen now? You made a lot of broken promises to me. Now they say Mehmet will be prosecuted. What will happen if it leads to me?
The Shahzada should not worry. 

The cadi of Uskudar is famous for his fair verdicts. He will punish that traitor as he deserves. Are you sure?
Yes. Do not worry. Tell Cadi Efendi what you just told me. If that's what you say... Please.
But I would like to perform a prayer before I leave.

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